Our top 10 sellers the last three months
(April-June 2008)
fraction discsAlbums
1. Moscow Olympics "Cut The World" CD
2. Tillmanns "A Careless Lifestyle" CD
(Fraction Discs)
3. Apple Orchard "Half-Steps Toward Bright Skies" CD (Haymarket)
4. Action Biker "Hesperian Puisto" CD
(Friendly Noise)
5. Cloetta Paris "Secret Eyes" CD
6. The Electric Pop Group "The Electric Pop Group" CD (The Electric Pop Group)
7. Bare Knees / Ray Rumours "Songs To Play At Sleepovers" CDR (Cosy)
8. Second-Hand Furniture "Game, Set, Match" CD (Plastilina)
9. Springfactory "Springfactory" CDR
(Series Two)
10. Black Tambourine "Complete Recordings" 10"/CD (Slumberland/Fantastic)
1. Moscow Olympics "Still" 7"
(Fraction Discs)
2. Liechtenstein "Stalking Skills" 7"
(Fraction Discs)
3. Cats On Fire "Draw In The Reins" CDEP
(Fraction Discs)
4. Days "Downhill" CDEP + 7"
5. The Garlands "The Garlands EP" CDR
6. Pocketbooks "Waking Up EP" CDEP
(Make Do And Mend/Valiant Death)
7. The Electric Pop Group "Sunrise EP" CDEP
8. Cocoanut Groove "The End Of The Summer On Bookbinder Road"
(Phonic Kidnapping)
9. The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart
"The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart EP" CDEP (Painbow)
10. Twig "Ciao Ciao Bomb" 7"